Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How often will I receive a bill?2021-12-31T12:56:50-08:00

Our Annual Assessment is billed one time every year. The invoices are mailed by February 1st each year.

When is the bill due?2021-12-31T12:56:32-08:00

The Annual Assessment invoices are due 30 days after they are issued. We grant another 30 days without penalty asking only that Assessments are paid in full by the time the water comes on April 1st.

What forms of payment can I use?2021-12-31T12:56:10-08:00

NCCA accepts payment by check, cash and credit/debit card.

How can I pay my bill?2021-12-31T12:55:49-08:00

You can make your payment in person with cash, check, or card, by mailing a check, online with a credit/debit card or over the phone with debit/credit card.

Can I set up automatic payment?2021-12-31T12:55:29-08:00

We are not able to offer an automatic payment option at this time.

What do I do if I didn’t receive my bill?2022-02-11T17:06:14-08:00

Please call the office at 509-457-6217. A replacement invoice can be mailed or emailed to you.

Can I make payments over time?2021-12-31T12:54:47-08:00

We are happy to work with you if you need to break up your Assessment over time, but we need to hear from you. Please call the office to make arrangements. 509-457-6217

What happens if I don’t pay my bill?2021-12-31T12:54:25-08:00

If payment arrangements have not been made, a $10 late fee will be added to your account after April 1st and the remaining balance will begin to accrue interest. If unpaid by June 1st, your irrigation water service will be shut off and a $50 fee added to your account. Unpaid balances as of September 1st can become a Lien on your property and a minimum of $350 will be added to your account. Your account will continue to be billed for the Annual Assessment every year. Interest will continue to accrue. The Lien is recorded with the County Auditor creating a cloud on your title which must be paid before your property can be sold or refinanced.

Why is my water shut off?2021-12-31T12:53:58-08:00

There can be multiple reasons why your irrigation water is not running. Anytime your irrigation water is not running, and you are not aware of the reason, please don’t wait to call so we can address any issue as quickly as possible. Canal Maintenance 509-457-6214 ext 2.

  1. Your line could have a break or obstruction that we are unaware of. Please always call to report lack of water to Maintenance. We don’t like our members to be without water and work hard at making prompt repairs, but we need you to let us know about the issues.
  2. We may be working on the line and needed to temporarily shut down your water to complete repairs. If down time is only going to be one day or less, there likely will not be any notice. If repairs will take longer than one day, you may see a door-hanger notice on your residence door. Also, check the website as lines down for more than one day will be posted.
  3. Your service may be interrupted for lack of payment on your account. If this is the case, you will find a door-hanger notice on your residence door. Once the account has been paid in full, service will be restored within 48 hours.
Can I still pay my bill if I have been liened?2021-12-31T12:53:30-08:00

Of course! We will accept payment in full and restore irrigation water service within 48 hours. If you need to, we will accept payment arrangements, but your account will continue to accrue interest and water will remain shut off until the account is paid in full.

What do I do if I don’t want to use NCCA water anymore?2021-12-31T12:53:07-08:00

Once a property becomes a member of NCCA, irrigation water delivery service becomes an Appurtenance on the property. Owners of the member property are obligated to participate in the maintenance of the NCCA canal system, regardless of how much water they use, or if they decide they don’t want to use our water any longer. The Appurtenance runs with the land, from owner to owner. Water Rights created by the Appurtenance cannot be surrendered, vacated or sold separately from the subject property as per the NCCA Articles and Bylaws.

Can I sell my NCCA irrigation water shares?2021-12-31T12:52:39-08:00

Irrigation Water Units (shares) cannot be surrendered, vacated or sold separately from the member property as per the NCCA Articles and Bylaws. They run with the land and are sold only as the property is sold from one owner to the next.

Why do I have to pay for irrigation water if I don’t use it?2021-12-31T12:52:17-08:00

Once a property has become of member of NCCA, the owner becomes obligated to support the maintenance of the canal system regardless of how much water they use. Assessment rates are not set by the amount of water used. NCCA evaluates the maintenance needs of our system annually and sets the Assessment Rate for the year based on that need. NCCA is not profit driven. As a non-profit corporation, our purpose is to provide excellent customer service and efficient irrigation water delivery to our customers at an economical rate.

Why has my Annual Assessment increased so much in 2021 and 2022?2021-12-31T12:51:54-08:00

In 2020 we conducted a cash flow analysis, put together a budget and ran out 5 year projections. It was discovered that our previous 2-5% annual increases were not sufficient to keep up with the changing economy and we had actually been running at a deficit for several years which had depleted reserves. It was determined that an estimated 34% rate increase was going to be necessary to secure cash flow needs. The Board recognized that 34% was going to be a large bump and decided to split the increase over a 2 year period. In 2021, a 16.3% increase was applied. After judicious application of the budget through 2021, the amount of the 2022 increase is actually 10.2%. After 2022, as long as inflation doesn’t take a tremendous leap, the regular 2-5% annual increases should be sufficient going forward.

Also in 2020, State v Aquavella, a 25 year lawsuit was finalized. The result of the courts decision changed the way our water units (shares) are calculated. The original formula was 10 acres = 1 Unit (share). The court determined this should now be 5.4 acres = 1 Unit (share). The result was that more water was awarded however since our billing structure is by the Unit, it also caused costs to increase. This change had the most impact on owners of property over 1 acre in size.

If your property is over 1 acre in size, the size will be reflected in the Service Address box on your invoice.

What do I need to do if I sell my home or rent it out?2021-12-31T12:51:11-08:00

Please advise us right away!

  1. If you rent your home or even just change your billing address, please let us know right away. It is your responsibility to keep your billing address current in our records to avoid interest charges or a shut off from happening on your account. Please call or email Judy in the office.
  2. If you sell your home, please advise your Escrow Closer at the Title Company that you receive your irrigation water from NCCA. They will contact us to verify your account is in good standing with no outstanding balance and transfer the ownership to your Buyer. If your sale closes during irrigation water season, Escrow will prorate the Annual Assessment you have paid and refund to you that portion of funds representing the time from closing date through the end of irrigation season when you no longer owned the property. If your account does have a balance owing, this amount will be provided to Escrow and will be paid out of closing.
How can I become a member of NCCA?2022-01-20T17:22:55-08:00

Please give the office a call, or fill out and submit our Hook-Up Disclosure. Canal Maintenance will evaluate your property to make sure we can provide you with irrigation water and assess the cost of hook-up. Typical one-time installation costs are $300 for the hook-up + $25 Admin fee for a total of $325. This must be paid before the installation can be completed and irrigation water turned on.

When does the irrigation water come on?2021-12-31T12:32:09-08:00

The irrigation water gates on the Naches River are opened every year on April 1st. It can take up to 10 days for all the canals and pipe lines to fill up. Keep checking your service spigot. If you have not received water by April 15th, please call Canal Maintenance at 509-457-6214 ext 2.

When does irrigation water get shut off?2021-12-31T12:47:17-08:00

The irrigation water gates on the Naches River are closed every year on Oct 15th. Water may remain in the lines for a few days but flow and pressure will dwindle pretty fast.

What do I do if there is a leak or break in my service?2021-12-31T12:46:49-08:00

Please call in any issues with your irrigation water delivery immediately. We will send Maintenance out as soon as possible to fix the issue. If your issue is an emergency, don’t wait! During season, we have Maintenance on-call around the clock, 24/7.

Why is my water shut off?2021-12-31T12:46:02-08:00

There can be multiple reasons why your irrigation water is not running. Anytime your irrigation water is not running, and you are not aware of the reason, please don’t wait to call so we can address any issue as quickly as possible. Canal Maintenance 509-457-6214 ext 2.

  1. Your line could have a break or obstruction that we are unaware of. Please always call to report lack of water to Maintenance. We don’t like our members to be without water and work hard at making prompt repairs, but we need you to let us know about the issues.
  2. We may be working on the line and needed to temporarily shut down your water to complete repairs. If down time is only going to be one day or less, there likely will not be any notice. If repairs will take longer than one day, you may see a door-hanger notice on your residence door. Also, check the website as lines down for more than one day will be posted.
  3. Your service may be interrupted for lack of payment on your account. If this is the case, you will find a door-hanger notice on your residence door. Once the account has been paid in full, service will be restored within 48 hours.
Why is my irrigation water pressure so low?2021-12-31T12:38:53-08:00

Our almost 150 year old irrigation water delivery system is not pressurized. It is gravity flow consisting of open canals that feed underground pipes. Some areas realize better pressure than others depending on the amount of fall and size of pipe in the area. While canal repairs are made with present day quality materials that constitute a permanent fix, it is impossible to pressurize lines that still contain old and failing material. Updating the canal system is an ongoing work in progress.

How can I get more pressure?2021-12-31T13:06:16-08:00

We recommend members use a sprinkler like these to get the best chance at improved pressure and efficiency off our gravity flow system.

We do recommend that, in the interest of water conservation, you do not let your sprinklers run in one place for more than a couple hours. Running water overnight does not provide any greater benefit to your lawn than just several hours. If you notice water running from your lawn over the curb or down the driveway into street gutters, its has been on way to long.

Many of our members have elected to install a simple pump on their side of the delivery spigot. These cost approximately $400 and can be found at Morton Supply, Akland Irrigation, Coastal, Tractor Supply, Harbor Freight and other such places. We do not sell these pumps or install them but Independent lawn maintenance services can install one if you need help.

How much water can I use?2021-12-31T12:49:49-08:00

At this time, irrigation water is not metered. Feel free to use as much as you need to maintain your property, wash your car, wash your windows, wash your house or any other outdoor needs you may have. We do ask that you be conservation minded and not let water run if it is not being used.

Is irrigation water clean water?2021-12-31T12:34:26-08:00

NO! IRRIGATION WATER IS NOT POTABLE – meaning it is NOT SUITABLE for human consumption.

Irrigation water is not filtered or treated in any way. Open canals collect debris and are used by wildlife and domestic animals. Even though we ask that people do not dump yard waste, garbage, oil or other items into the open canals, it still happens.

How many Units (shares) of water do I have?2021-12-31T12:33:45-08:00

Units can be calculated by dividing the size of your property by 5.4 acres.

For Example:

Parcel size is 0.25 acre divided by 5.4 acres = 0.046 Units
Parcel size is 12.4 acres divided by 5.4 acres = 2.30 Units

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